I did not know we had all that money to throw around since as of Wednesday we were $18 trillion in debt. When Obama took office in 2009 the federal debt was $10 trillion. When he leaves office it will probably be closer to $20 trillion.
According to the Associated Press, President Obama brought in Iraq’s prime minister Haider al-Abadi to the White House on Tuesday and pledged U.S. support to run the ISIS out of his country. Seemingly contrary to his previous statement, Obama also made it clear Baghdad would be in charge of its own destiny.After being frustrated with the previous Iraqi government, Obama expressed he was confident that Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi is a strong partner in fighting terrorism. He stated al-Abadi is strengthening Iraqi security forces and has recovered approximately a quarter of the territory ISIS had captured in Iraq.
Seven months ago, President Obama said during his first meeting with the prime minister:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.This is a long process and in our discussions Prime Minister Abadi made clear that this success will not occur overnight. But what is clear is that we will be successful.
On Tuesday President Obama pledged $20 million dollars in humanitarian aid to help those displaced by ISIS. He said it is crucial for the U.S. to help families who have been displaced.
Previously on Monday, al-Abadi told reporters an increase in U.S. airstrikes, weapon deliveries and training has helped roll back Islamic State forces but he needed greater support from the international coalition to “finish” them. He said they wanted to see more.$20 million in humanitarian aide is not exactly what al-Abadi wanted but Obama seems to feel the U.S. is having war fatigue and that is all they were going to offer.
Obama also discussed Iran’s involvement in the fight against ISIS in Iraq. He said:
We expect Iran to have an important relationship with Iraq as a close neighbor.
He also said giving Iraq money versus military aide:
sends a clear message that ultimately Iraq is in control of its own destiny.
Many have felt since President Obama was elected into office his foreign policy has hurt Iraq and that ISIS has only become stronger because of it.
Will throwing money at the problem solve it? Time shall tell.