I cannot honestly say I did not see this one coming. After all, it is well known Obama’s senior adviser, Valerie Jarrett is behind leaking all Hillary’s scandalous email information to the press.
During the standard Monday briefing at the White House, spokesman Josh Earnest was asked if Hillary Clinton automatically gets Obama’s support. He relied:The answer to that question is no.
He continued to say:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.There are other people who are friends of the president, who may at some point decide to get into the race.
That includes possibly: Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Elizabeth Warren.
Earnest also said:This will be the responsibility of Democratic voters to decide who should be the Democratic nominee for president. I think that Democratic nominee can be confident that they’ll enjoy the support of President Obama in their campaign.
I do not know if they will “enjoy” the support of the president per say seeing that no one wanted to be endorsed by him during the last election cycle but we will see if it is different this time around.