President Obama met with Cuban leader, Raul Castro on Saturday. That meeting ended with dictator Castro calling Obama an “honest man.”
It was the first meeting between a US and Cuban leader since 1958 when Eisenhower and Fulgencio Batista met. President Obama is calling the meeting “historic.” He also said:The Cold War has been over for a long time, and I’m not interesting in having battles frankly that started before I was born.
Presidential candidate and Cuban-American, Ted Cruz does not agree. He said:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.The Castro brothers are brutal dictators.
Cruz along with other Republicans and even Democrats are against the President making amends with Cuba.
Whereas President Obama and Castro are ready to ‘turn the page’ and develop a new relationship.The meeting lasted an hour with Obama telling the media prior:
What we have both concluded is that we can disagree with a spirit of respect and civility. And over time, it is possible for us to turn the page and develop a new relationship between our two countries.
Obama also thanked Castro for:
He also pledged to do whatever he could to:the spirit of openness and courtesy that he has shown during our interactions.
make sure the people of Cuba are able to prosper and live in freedom and security.
Castro said they were learning to agree to disagree when needed and said Cuba was willing to talk about human rights, freedom of the press and he said everything can be on the table.
He stated:
As for Castro’s opinion of Obama, he said:We are disposed to talk about everything – with patience. Some things we will agree with, and others we won’t.
In my opinion, President Obama is an honest man.
He also said the president came from a “humble background.”