I never thought I would ever say this but France has bigger stones than the U.S.
While the French have a long history of surrendering to their enemies, the United States does not. But under President Barack Hussein Obama Chamberlain, America’s standing and military strength around the world been diminished by Obama’s weak foreign policy.This weeks nuclear “framework” deal being hammered out by the Obama administration is nothing less than a complete surrender to radical Islam.
Like I said, even the French saw the ongoing nuclear negotiations with the terrorist state as a bad idea.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.France’s top diplomat urged caution Friday about the possibility of a final deal being agreed to and admitted that his country had initially held out for firmer terms.-Fox
Obama believes is fine to negotiate with Islamic terrorists, and now has signaled to the world that the world’s largest state sponsor of Islamic terrorism, Iran, should be afforded the opportunity to continue their nuclear enrichment program.
Oh, let’s not forget that just last week, an Iranian military general echoed what former Iranian President Ahmadinejad and other Mullahs have been saying for quite some time-destroy Israel.Way to go President Chamberlain