Democratic Representative and former high school teacher, Mark Takano (D) took some time out of his seemingly not so busy schedule to mock Senator Marco Rubio (FL-R) on Thursday.
Takano took to Facebook and posted a picture of Marco Rubio’s recent op-ed on net neutrality that he had since marked up with a red pen.He stated:
As a former high school teacher one would think Rep. Takano would know it is wrong to cyber bully.I only break out the red pen on special occasions. So when I saw Marco Rubio’s recent op-ed on Net Neutrality, you know I couldn’t resist. It is intentionally misleading, poorly researched, and littered with errors.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Marco, please don’t draft essays on your return flight from Iowa. See me in my office and I’ll walk you through Net Neutrality.
The op-ed in question was published on Tuesday by Politico. It was titled “Government Is Crashing The Internet Party.” Within the post Rubio makes the case against the FCC’s new rules on Internet Service.
Rubio stated:
While our leader’s can’t be bothered to fix the many institutions in America that are actually broken, they are eager to ‘fix’ the one thing in America that works the best. With friends like government, the Internet needs no enemies.
Takano also attacked that statement in his Facebook post. He said:
Free market? The Internet started as a [government] program. The Internet is a public good and net neutrality order ensures that the public maintains control of it, instead of handing it over to large corporations.
I guess Takano also believes Al Gore invented the internet. Gore did warn us all about global warming as well so why not? By Gore’s predictions the whole world should of been melted by now and Florida would be under water. How did that work out?