Per CBS, Florida legislators sent a bill to Governor Rick Scott on Wednesday that would push back the date of the 2016 primary from March 1 to March 15. The bill was approved unanimously.
The new bill could possibly be a big push for former Gov. Jeb Bush and U.S. Senate Marco Rubio if they decide to run for president.The date change would allow the Republican Party of Florida to make the primary a “winner take all” event that would help one of them seeking the GOP nomination.
For the last two presidential elections Florida has broke the national party rules by having an early primary.
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Back in 2012 the primary was back to January 31. The only reason that was done was to appease Mitt Romney.
This time around the changing of the primary date is also suspicious and is thought specifically to appease Jeb Bush. The idea is to make the other campaigns spend more money and it would also give Bush’s campaign’s time to change the public’s perception of him.
Just recently Florida’s Speaker of the House Steve Crisafulli came out and endorsed Bush.We all know the Democrats want Bush to win the primary because they feel they would have a better chance defeating him in the general.
Democrats are confident America does not want to vote in another Bush as president and they will use his brothers turbulent past to haunt him. After all we have all heard the saying “It’s Bush’s fault.”