The New York Post broke the news that Obama’s senior adviser, Valerie Jarrett was actually the one behind the leak that Hillary Clinton used her private email while she was secretary of state.
Jarrett also tried to cover her tracks by going through people outside the White House so it could not be traced back to her or President Obama.Upon Jarrett’s request the State Department was ordered to launch a series of investigations on Hillary. Those investigations included: the use of her expense account, her contact with foreign leaders, the disbursement of funds and her dealings with the Clinton Foundation.
To date there has been six different investigations on Hillary’s performance. The New York Post also boasted they were told the email scandal was timed to be released right before Hillary was planning to announce she was running for president and that this scandal is just the tip of the iceberg with more to come.
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Bill Clinton’s allies say the former president suspects the White House is behind the attacks and he is furious. His friend quoted him as saying:
The source also said Bill Clinton felt the Obama’s were out to get them at any cost.My contacts and friends in newspapers and TV tell me they’ve been contacted by the White House and offered all kinds of negative stories about us. . . The Obama’s are behind the e-mail story, and they’re spreading rumors that I’ve been with women, that Hillary promoted people at the State Department who’d done favors for our foundation, that John Kerry had to clean up diplomatic messes Hillary left behind.
Per the New York Post, last fall Jarrett was complaining bitterly because she believed the Clinton’s were turning Democratic congressmen, senators and governors against Obama. She felt they were portraying him as a unpopular president and vowed to get them back.
If that is really the way she felt then she is very misguided. People were distancing themselves from Obama because of Obama. His poll numbers were low and his policies were backfiring.
A source close to the White House also told the New York Post:
The source also said Jarrett has been meeting with former Maryland governor, Martin O’Malley (D) and Senator Elizabeth Warren (MA-D)Â with approval from the President. She has promised them they have the full support of the White House if Warren wants to challenge Hillary in the presidential primary.Obama and Valerie Jarrett will go to any lengths to prevent Hillary from becoming president. They believe that Hillary, like her husband, is left of center, not a true-blue liberal.