The Department of Justice (DOJ) was commissioned by President Obama and Attorney General Holder to investigate the shooting death of Michael Brown back in 2014. Recently it was announced they did not find anything wrong with the way Officer Darren Wilson responded to the incident and we have the official DOJ report to share with you.
The report entitled Department of Justice Report Regarding the Criminal Investigation Into The Shooting Death of Michael Brown by Ferguson, Missouri Police states:The Department has determined that the evidence does not support charging a violation of federal law.
Within the rest of its 83 pages it also says:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Based on this investigation, the Department has concluded that Darren Wilson’s actions do not constitute prosecutable violations under the applicable federal criminal civil rights statute, 18 U.S.C. § 242, which prohibits uses of deadly force that are “objectively unreasonable,” as defined by the United States Supreme Court.
When it comes to Officer Wilson reaction to the situation it further states:
The evidence, when viewed as a whole, does not support the conclusion that Wilson’s uses of deadly force were “objectively unreasonable” under the Supreme Court’s definition. Accordingly, under the governing federal law and relevant standards set forth in the USAM, it is not appropriate to present this matter to a federal grand jury for indictment, and it should therefore be closed without prosecution.
Remember the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” slogan? The DOJ report also concluded witnesses that stated same were not valid witnesses and their statements were inaccurate because the evidence did not support their claims.
The DOJ said in their report what did happen and was supported by the evidence is what was portrayed by the Ferguson Police Department: Michael Brown and his friend were in a convenience store. Brown robbed several packages of cigarillos. The robbery was reported. Officer Wilson heard of the incident and spotted Brown and his friend walking down the street. He stopped them. Brown punched Officer Wilson in the face. Officer Wilson grabbed for his gun, Brown tried to take it from him and grabbed the barrel. Fearing for his life, Officer Wilson shot Brown in the hand as he still was wresting for the gun. Brown ran, Officer Wilson pursued. Then Brown turn around and charged at Officer Wilson. Still fearing for his life, Officer Wilson told him to stop. He did not listen so he shot him several times. Once Brown fell, Officer Wilson retracted. End of story.
Yet Eric Holder is still putting pressure on the Ferguson police department because he said they made some racial jokes which included calling President Obama an orangutan. Holder is also threatening to dismantle them.
Just yesterday two Ferguson police officers were shot. Which included one of those officers being shot in the face.
All around the country police and first responders are being targeted in hate crimes.We have came a long way since Martin Luther King. Even Martin Luther King Jr.’s daughter, Bernice King told students at Riverview Gardens High School by Ferguson:
You think this is the first time tanks have been in a community? It’s not. You all think this was the first time tear gas was used? It was used on my daddy. In Selma. Tear gas, tanks.
She continued to say:
Many have even argued President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder and Al Sharpton have only added fuel to the fire but that is up to you to decide.I don’t know if you realize this, but anger is anger. It has no mind. It has not rationality. It’s mad and its just wants to destroy. At the end of the day, you have to find a way to arrest that anger. . . The violence didn’t solve anything.
The full DOJ report can be found here: DOJ Report on Shooting of Michael Brown