Two Secret Service agents drove a government car into a White House security gate after a late-night party last week. It is suspected they were drunk and they are currently being investigated.
The agents being investigated are the second-in-command on Obama’s detail, Mark Connolly and a senior supervisor in the Washington office, George Ogilvie. Both have declined to comment per the Washington Post.It was said officers on duty at the time of the incident wanted to arrest the agents and conduct sobriety tests but the officers were ordered by a supervisor on duty to let the agents go home.
The incident has been condemned by both sides of the aisle. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (UT-R) and Ranking Member Elijah Cummings (MD-D) released a joint statement that said:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Although recent steps have been made to bring new leadership in at the highest levels, this incident begs the question of whether that is enough. The fact that this event involved senior-level agents in not only embarrassing but exhibits a clear lack of judgment in a potentially dangerous situation. The Committee as a whole remains committed to restoring the integrity of this elite agency and improving accountability at all staff levels.
Secret Service’s recently appointed new director, Joseph Clancy has also vowed to restore the agency’s once-stellar reputation.
On Monday Clancy directed the inquiry be led by the Department of Homeland Security inspector general. He said it was in part because the incident involves senior officials.