Hillary Clinton is not all that happy with the Republican letter sent to Iranian leaders that according to her, “undermines American leadership.”
First of all, “American leadership” since President Barack Obama took office has never existed. So if Obama has failed to lead (which he has), then what has been undermined?Hillary, who is expected to run for president a second time, took to Twitter to deflect away from her ongoing private email account usage problem, and to express her disapproval of the letter Senate Republicans sent the terrorist-supporting state of Iran.
GOP letter to Iranian clerics undermines American leadership. No one considering running for commander-in-chief should be signing on.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) March 11, 2015
Clinton’s tweet prompted a GOP response, as well as the far left to come out to try to deflect away from her little email problem.
No, .@HillaryClinton, letter to Iran helps protect USA from bad deal. No CINC should allow world’s worst regimes to get world’s worst weapon
— Tom Cotton (@SenTomCotton) March 11, 2015
Hillary Clinton Points Out The Real Scandal: GOP Letter To Iran http://t.co/Bqb5XZIYYP pic.twitter.com/Uq6M6iEbG1
— Crooks and Liars (@crooksandliars) March 10, 2015