There is a new bill floating around the legislature in Florida that if passed will change the state’s minimum wage from $8.05/hour to $10.10/hour starting January 1, 2016.
The Senate version SB 114 is sponsored by Senator Dwight Bullard (D). If you disagree with Senator Bullard call him at his office no: (305) 234-2208 and tell him so.The House version HB 47 is sponsored by Cynthia A. Stafford (D). If you disagree with Representative Stafford call her at her office no: (305) 953-3086 and tell her so as well. It is also co-sponsored by John Cortes (D), Barbara Watson (D) and Clovis Watson, Jr. (D).
The bills are essentially identical and they state:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.(3) Employers shall pay employees a minimum wage at an hourly rate of $10.10 for all hours worked in this state. An employer may not pay an employee at a rate less than the state minimum wage.
Florida companies are already struggling to keep their doors open and by increasing the minimum wage to over $10 it will not help the economy as a whole. Companies will be forced to lay off employees or even close down shop if they are squeezed for more money.
The minimum wage was $7.93 prior and on January 1, 2015 it was increased 1.5 percent to $8.05. Now the Democrats want to increase it to $10.10 effective January 1, 2016.As the CEO of a small business I know it is hard in this economy to give employees raises and I think it should be left up to the employers discretion. If the hourly wage is to be increased it should only be in small increments and not twice in two years from $7.93 to $10.10.