Shark Tank Managing Editor, award-winning journalist, TV political commentator and blogger, Javier Manjarres has just released his first book, “BROWN PEOPLE-Hispanic Politics and the Disunited State of Amigos.”
Brown People is a no-holds barred commentary on Hispanic politics in America that is sure to generate much discussion and controversy. Manjarres’ immersion in the political scene, and how in order for anyone to effectively message Hispanics and Latinos, it is first important to understand who these people are, where they came from, why they immigrated to the U.S. and what really makes them tick.Brown People takes on many controversial issues within the Hispanic/Latino community including illegal immigration, U.S. foreign policy, the underbelly of bigotry and racism within these communities and the race-baiting tactics that many politicians routinely employ to win the support of this growing voting bloc.
There are many stereotypes of Hispanics held by small-minded individuals who believe that all Hispanics and Latinos essentially fit the same mold – that they’re all poor, dark-skinned immigrant workers who got here by crossing the U.S. southern border.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.These same people might be surprised to learn that not all Hispanics look and sound like Speedy Gonzalez, drink Budweiser beer and wear large multi-colored sombreros to block out the sun. – Javier Manjarres, 5o Shades of Brown
Don’t just take our word for it. Here is what the big names in politics are saying about Manjarres’s book as well:
Javier’s book is a must read if we want to become aware of the goals and objectives the progressive left has in store for the Hispanic community – extending their dependency society. Javier’s book is not about “outreach” it is about policy inclusiveness and the recognition that constitutional conservative values such as faith, family, freedom, education, entrepreneurship, and self-reliance are in alignment with the values of the Hispanic community. Javier’s literary endeavor seeks to remind us of that fact.Order your copy of BROWN PEOPLE here.– Allen West, Former U.S. Congressman
In Brown People: Hispanic Politics and the Disunited State of Amigos, Javier Manjarres offers up a very lively take on Hispanic politics and his experiences covering the political beat. Manjarres is quite comfortable discussing issues that most writers wouldn’t want to touch with a barge pole, and he does so in a way that is humorous without being mean-spirited. Manjarres also calls some much needed attention to the Progressive Left’s radical politics and how they are attempting to guilt Americans into accepting more social programs, bigger government, and further balkanization. His book is street smart, informative, and sure to entertain.
– Dave Limbaugh, New York Times Best Selling Author.
The irony with more Hispanics voting for Democrats is rather obvious- how can they continue to support a political party who is actively trying to remove the influence of and references to God in the public square- in government, in education, and in the military. Remember when Democrats actually booed the mention of God during their 2012 convention?-God, Family, Dinero
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