During a recent and exclusive interview with the SHARK TANK, Texas Senator Ted Cruz (R) was asked about President Obama’s refusal to name radical Islam as the source of the ongoing terrorism occurring around the world.
We are not going to be able to defeat radical Islamic terrorism with a president who is unwilling to utter those words, radical Islamic terrorism.-Sen. Ted Cruz
Cruz said that President Obama and his administration “will not acknowledge that there are theocratic radicals who have declared war,” adding that these “radicals” have “declared jihad on America,” another word that Cruz says Obama refuses to use when addressing “radical Islamic terrorism.”
When asked if President Obama was an apologist for Islamist around the world, Cruz said, “Obama is standing up as an apologist for radical Islamic terrorists,” and that his recent analogy of the Crusades at the National Prayer breakfast was an analogy that “Islamist terrorists like,” and one that “they use all the time.”
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Cruz also stated that the Islamists are conducting a “holy war” against the U.S., Israel, and all of Christianity.
Watch the video.