If you are wondering what issues will probably get the most attention in the Florida House of Representatives this upcoming legislative session, just ask Speaker Steve Crisafulli (R)
We caught up with Crisafulli in January at the RPOF annual meeting in Orlando, Florida, where we asked him what he thought would be the issues that will cause the biggest stir during session.Crisafulli, who is laser-focused on clean water issues, says that he believes “gaming will certainly be an issue that rises to the top,” and that “the body (Florida House) can have the opportunity to have a conversation” about the issue.
I wouldn’t say that I am not agnostic to it, but its not something that I really have a strong stance for against. We have to recognize that Florida is the fourth largest gaming state, so if we are going to be that state, we need to have a structure.-Speaker Steve Crisafulli (R)
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Crisafulli says he is more interested in a regulatory structure of gaming. Making sure that there would be a future referendum on gaming.
Here is audio from our chat with Crisafulli
Crisafulli is also on record of endorsing former Florida Governor Jeb Bush for President in 2016. Click here.
“I’m very comfortable saying that, and I don’t have any problem being out there and talking about my support for the governor…He has brought Florida where we are today, and I am very supportive of his initiative to potentially become a candidate for president.”-Speaker Steve Crisafulli (R)