Ladies and gentlemen, please brace yourselves for one of the most asinine excuses for attending any event by a member of Congress, or any elected official ,has ever given in the history of the United States of America,
After being busted on television for attending the 2015 Grammy awards in New York City, those “equality” mavens, Reps. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Sheila Jackson Lee, said that they were there on “official” and “political” business researching the music industry.You can’t make this up.
Here is the statement Wasserman Schultz’s spokesman released:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“[Wasserman Schultz] was in Los Angeles to attend a series of official and political events during Grammys weekend and at the Grammys, where she joined her colleagues on both sides of the aisle in learning more about pressing issues before the music industry as Congress prepares to take up related legislation.”- Sean Bartlett, communications director
Rep. Ted Deutch (D) was also in attendance, and his chief of staff, Josh Rogin, was a bit more open and transparent about his boss’ walk down the Grammy’s red carpet.
“[Deutch] is there talking with folks, meeting with folks, and also enjoying some of the performances.”- Josh Rogin
Rogin then added:
“Everyone from the music industry right now is in Los Angeles. So it’s an excellent opportunity to learn and to discuss with the music publishers, the labels, the songwriters, the artists, the producers. Everyone that has a role in the music industry is there.”
According to the Sun-Sentinel, while the members of Congress did get into the awards show rehearsal and some “affiliated” Grammy performances, they did not get attend the actual awards show.
That is a big load of you know what.
If these members of Congress only went to the “show rehearsal,” which in most cases usually occurs several hours before any event, and only attended some “affiliated” Grammy performances, then why are they seen here on the red carpet in some not-so-Grammy-rehearsals-looking attire?Both Wasserman Schultz’s and Deutch’s legislative offices say that the trip was paid for with campaign funds, and not taxpayer dollars.
The Sentinel also reminds us all about Wasserman Schultz’s “Jewish intermarriage” problem, which she later stated that she really didn’t have a problem with it.
Here is what she said in an exclusive audio recording the SHARK TANK obtained a couple weeks ago.
We have the problem of assimilation. We have the problem of intermarriage.”-Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D)
Watch the video below.