It was confirmed yesterday ISIS murdered American humanitarian hostage, Kayla Mueller. Kayla was originally captured in 2013 in Syria after she left the Doctors Without Borders hospital.
President Obama has commented that he deployed rescue missions to try to save her but to no avail. In an interview with BuzzFeed News the president said:We devoted enormous resources, always devote enormous resources to freeing captives or hostages anywhere in the world. And I deployed an entire operation — at significant risk — to rescue not only her but the other individuals who had been held, and probably missed them by a day or two
Representative Paul Gosar (R-AZ) also stated he and his staffers had tried to facilitate her release several times. There were even negotiations between the family and ISIS at one point. Those discussions also included possibly swapping Mueller for a prisoner being held in Texas who had been sentenced for conspiring with the enemy.
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Kayla graduated from Northern Arizona University in 2009 and worked with various humanitarian groups in India, Israel and Palestine. Her family said:
Arizona Governor Doug Ducey has since ordered flags at all state government buildings to be flown at half-staff Wednesday in her honor.She had a quiet, calming presence. She was a free spirit, always standing up for those who were suffering and wanting to be their voice. . . Kayla’s calling was to help those who were suffering, whether in her home in Prescott, or on the other side of the world.
Mueller’s last blog before her capture embodies her mission and shows her true compassion for all those who are suffering. She wrote:
Every human being should act. They should stop this violence. People are fleeing. We can’t bear this. It’s too much. I hope you can tell the entire world what I have seen here, and what I’ve seen.
In conclusion I would like to say: the world is listening, we should act. No person should have to live in fear. No more lives should have to be taken before we put terrorism to rest. We should ban together and fight, for all the Kayla’s in the world and all those who have since perished, your memories will never be forgotten and your legacy shall live on.
Senator John McCain (R-AZ) said the following in rememberance of Kayla on the floor on Tuesday: