After months of U.S. and coalition airstrikes targeting the Islamic terrorist group ISIS, which have done little to stop the group’s brutal and public executions of captured journalists and one Jordanian fighter pilot, a submissive President Obama has decided to change military course by seeking congressional authorization to use “military force” against the radical Islamic terror group.
Because he has no other choice but to continue fighting ISIS and other Islamic terrorist groups in the Middle East, President Obama is watching his legacy of being the American president who pulled the U.S. out of two wars slowly circle the toilet bowl, as he will eventually be forced to send U.S. combat troops into the region to mop up after the bombing ends.If the U.S. doesn’t do this, who else will? You think these other Muslim countries are going to send in their military to kill their own. Fat chance that is going to happen.
Both Republicans and Democrats believe its the right course of action by the President, including Speaker John Boehner, who said that “the Congress should not tie the president’s hands” when it comes to waging a war.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Republicans generally want a broader authorization of military action against the militants, who have overrun wide swaths of Iraq and Syria, than Democrats have been willing to consider. Obama has said he does not intend to have U.S. “boots on the ground” in combat roles, while many Republicans believe that option ought to be available to the military.
Secretary of State John Kerry has testified that any new authorization should not limit U.S. military action to just Iraq and Syria or prevent the president from deploying ground troops if he later deems them necessary. Kerry also said that if the new authorization has a time limit, there should be a provision for it to be renewed.
Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., the ranking member of the House intelligence panel, has already introduced legislation rather than wait for Obama’s version. His bill would authorize the use of force against ISIS in Iraq and Syria for three years, but prohibit the use of ground forces in a combat mission in either nation. He has said if the president later decided to deploy ground troops, he could return to Congress to ask for new authority.
Translation: This new military authorization by President Obama would be the first step into making the case to put ground combat troops on the ground.
Obama knows that if ISIS continues to extend its grip throughout the region, the U.S. will have no other choice but to deploy “combat troops,” even though the more than 1,500 new military personnel that he (Obama) has already deployed to “advise” allies in the region, are more than capable of defending their positions against any attack.