Our Managing Editor, Javier Manjarres was on NewsMaxTV’s, America’s Forum Thursday along with Neil Sroka, the Communications Director for Democracy for America. They engaged in a heated debate about President Obama’s position on ISIS and the closing of Guantanamo Bay.
First they debated Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-R) statement when he said President Obama’s positions on Islam are:probably an unfortunate by-product of the days when he was in a Muslim school being taught that . . . Islam is a religion of peace and the President bought into it to such a degree that he does not seem to recognize that there are elements of Islam that are very violent and he refuses to connect the two.
Neil Sroka supported the president. He said the president is not delusional enough to think there is not a radical element to the Islam religion.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Manjarres in response said:
Manjarres also said the army is being handcuffed by the President and they are not able to effectively fight the enemies.Obviously the president has some sympathy’s for all Muslims regardless if whether they are sympathetic to the Islamic fundamentalist cause or not.
Sroka fundamentally disagreed and felt the president was effectively fighting the terrorists. He then erred and said there has not been any terror attacks since the President has been in office.
The next topic at hand was Guantanamo Bay. The Congress has been trying to stop the president from transferring or freeing anymore detainees from the prison. Sroka felt the president was elected initially and then again reelected because the American public wants to see Guantanamo Bay shut down.
He said:
Once again he made an inaccurate statement. Prior to 9/11 there was not a Gitmo prison thus meaning his argument was invalid.At the end of the day, the prison in Guantanamo is one of the largest terrorist recruiting tools out there.
In turn Manjarres said:
The biggest recruiting tool these terrorists have is President Obama himself.
You can watch the full exchange below: