Putting his political money where his mouth is, Texas Senator Ted Cruz has introduce his long anticipated Obamacare Repeal Act.
This is the first Obamacare repeal bill that has come out of the now-Republican-led U.S. Senate, but thus far, Cruz has only been able to garner 44 cosponsors. Expect more Republican Senators like Jeff Sessions to join the repeal fiesta.Cruz’s bill is said to “fully” repeal Obamacare within 180 days of it “enactment,” and give the Congress and states enough time to craft and “vote on patient-oriented health care reform that will incrementally unravel Obamacare’s structural damage to our health care system and economy.”
But Cruz goes further in his effort to fully repeal Obamacare by introducing future legislation that will allow families to shop for health insurance across state’s lines, as well as overhaul the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ” to more efficiently deliver greater life-saving medical therapies for all Americans.”“In November voters all across the country spoke loud and clear that Congress must do everything we can to repeal Obamacare,” said Sen. Cruz. “The results of this disastrous law speak for themselves: millions of Americans out of work or unable to find full-time work. Premiums going through the roof while median incomes have fallen. Millions who have lost both their doctors and the plans they liked, contrary to the President’s promises. Meanwhile, the Administration has done absolutely nothing to prepare for an upcoming Supreme Court decision that could leave millions of Americans unable to afford insurance thanks to this failed law.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“This repeal bill is pro-growth, pro-jobs, and pro-liberty. It provides time for Congress to start over, to pass true market-based reforms that will allow the purchase of insurance across state lines, expand health savings accounts, and make health insurance, personal, portable, and affordable.
“We must send this bill to the President’s desk. If he vetoes it, the GOP Congress should pass bill after bill to stop Obamacare. Each will have broad support among the American people, and Democrats in both chambers will be hard-pressed not to support them. The President will be faced with a clear choice: either listen to the American people, who have never supported this law, or ignore them, and ignore the disastrous harms to millions of families, young people, and the most vulnerable among us.”-Sen.Ted Cruz
Cruz’s office put out a list of the cosponsors to his Obamacare Repeal Act.
Alexander; Ayotte; Barrasso; Blunt; Boozman; Burr; Capito; Cassidy; Coats; Cochran; Cornyn; Cotton; Crapo; Daines; Ernst; Fischer; Flake; Gardner; Graham; Grassley; Hatch; Hoeven; Inhofe; Isakson; Ron Johnson; Lankford; Lee; McCain; McConnell; Moran; Paul; Perdue; Portman; Roberts; Rounds; Rubio; Sasse; Scott; Shelby; Thune; Tillis; Toomey; Vitter; Wicker