The Keystone XL pipeline bill passed the Senate Thursday with flying colors. This is the first official victory for the Republican majority.
Nine Democrat Senators also joined the Republicans to get the billed passed by 62-36. They were: Bob Casey (VA-D), Michael Bennet (CO-D), Tom Carper (DE-D), Joe Donnelly (IN-D), Joe Manchin (WV-D), Heidi Heitkamp (ND-D), Claire McCaskill (MO-D), Jon Tester (VA-D) and last but not least Mark Warner (VA-D).Even though the House voted to build the pipeline already the Senate added a few more amendments to the bill. This means the House has to decide whether they want to pass the Senate’s version of the bill or seek a conference committee where the final version would be negotiated. Regardless, the final version of the bill could be placed on Obama’s desk as early as next week.
President Obama has warned over and over again if the bill was to hit his desk he would veto it but Republicans are hoping he had a change of heart. Senator Mitch McConnell said:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.We are hoping the president, upon reflection, will agree to sign onto a bill that his State Department says could create 42,000 jobs.
If President Obama was to veto the bill they would need 2/3 of the majority in both congressional houses to override the veto. There is another way to override a veto as well but it is trickier. The Supreme Court and Congress can say the president is abusing his power with the veto. Then the Supreme Court could rule in favor of passing the law to uphold the right of Congress to pass laws that abide by the US Constitution and are seen as being in the best interest for the country.