Fox News broke the story that Bowe Bergdahl will be charged with desertion by the military but the Pentagon and Army officials have came out and strongly denied the claims.
It was reported retired Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer, a former military intelligence officer, told them Monday night he had learned of the military’s decision to charge Bergdahl from two different sources. Shaffer said:The Army has come to its conclusion, and Bowe Bergdahl . . . will be charged with desertion.
This was denied by Maj. Gen. Ronald F. Lewis, the Army’s chief of public affairs who is saying the statements are false. He said:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.To be clear there have been no actions or decisions on the Sgt. Berghadl investigation . . . the investigation is still with the Commanding General of U.S. Army Forces Command who will determine appropriate action.
Apparently there is a battle going on between the Obama administration and the Army. The Army wants to do the right thing and press charges against Bergdahl whereas the Obama administration is trying to make the whole thing disappear.
Bergdahl was held captive for five years before Obama arranged for his release in 2014. The price to pay was the exchange of five Guantanamo prisoners which upset a lot of people. In the past the United States did not give into bargaining with the enemy especially for someone who was detained because they deserted their post.The maximum punishment for desertion is the death penalty. Whereas desertion in Obama’s handbook equals jeopardizing American lives by compromising with radical Muslims and freeing other radical Muslims.