Why should same-sex couples be allowed to marry and eventually lose half of their belongings in a divorce case? That is what I have always said.
Now that gay marriage will be allowed in Florida, what about gay divorce?Can you imagine one of those divorce court proceedings, especially one where one, or both, of the married individuals exhoud “diva-like” qualities?
“I want the boa and stiletto heels, she can have the Maltese.”
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
I would love to be a fly on that courtroom wall.
Here is a interesting story at the Herald Tribune about gay divorce.
Same-sex couples will be able to marry in Florida by Tuesday, but those looking to divorce are still facing confounding barriers.Hillsborough Court Clerk Pat Frank is among the public officials with plans to begin issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples on Tuesday and is ready to perform a mass ceremony in a park if need be following a federal judge’s ruling clearing the way.
But couples wanting to dissolve their marriages in Hillsborough County are, for the time being, out of luck.
A Tampa couple wed in Massachusetts have been fighting for the right to divorce; state courts have not yet definitively ruled whether to recognize same-sex couples statewide.
“It would not make sense for the clerks to issue marriage licenses that the courts do not recognize,” said attorney Adam Cordover, who represents Keiba Lynn Shaw in her bid to divorce Mariama Changamire Shaw. “It just absolutely would not make sense to do that. But ultimately, the state courts may want to make up their own mind on the merits.”
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