Democrats still can’t get over the fact that they had their lunch snatched away from them and eaten by the Republicans in last year’s midterm elections. Actually, it was the American people who denounced the liberal Democrat Party ideology and President Obama’s failed and un-American direction for the country.
DNC chair and Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) recently penned an op-ed over at CNN, where she made another attempt to disingenuously mask the real reasons why her party lost the election.Let’s take Wasserman Schultz’s point one at a time.
I added my two cents worth of criticism to what to each of her points.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.For much of the past year, the Republican Party has been doing its best to scare people. Its electoral strategy was dependent on people feeling that we are a nation in decline. The GOP knew that the only way it would do well was by making people feel bad about America.
Uhmm. Wasn’t it FLOTUS Michelle Obama who first told Americans that for the first time in her adult life, that she was proud of her country? Wasn’t it Wasserman Schultz and the Democrat Party who stated that Republicans wanted to push grandma off a cliff, and that they wanted the uninsured to “die quickly.”
America is in a better place today because we fought hard for our values and refused to give up in the face of relentless opposition. Just look at the facts.Our economy is experiencing its fastest pace of growth in over a decade. The GDP rose to 5.0% in the third quarter of this year, and the deficit has been cut by two-thirds under President Obama, according to Treasury Department figures.
More Americans are getting back to work. We are in the midst of the longest stretch of private sector job growth on record, with nearly 11 million jobs added over 57 straight months, according to the Council of Economic Advisers.
Yeah, what about all those Americans who gave up on looking for a job, and the millions more that have been forced to take up part-time work, even take two part-time jobs, just to make ends meet? How is Obama’s economy working out for them?
In November, we saw the highest single month of job creation in nearly three years, and 2014 has already been the strongest year for job growth since 1999. And we are not only creating more jobs, but better-paying jobs — wages are up and higher-paying industries are adding workers.
The American people are also saving money at the pump. In fact, the United States is now the world’s number one producer of oil and natural gas, and gas prices are headed to their lowest level in 11 years — a decrease that is expected to save American families $550 next year.
This is laughable. Democrats now want to take credit for the recent boom in Shale, something they wholeheartedly opposed, as well as the Keystone XL pipeline, which would create many jobs here in the U.S., as well as help drive the cost of oil down.
These are the accomplishments of a President who is fighting every day to make life better for American families and a Democratic Party that is fighting right alongside him.
Unfortunately the same cannot be said about today’s Republican Party. Its year consisted of partisan opposition and unprecedented obstruction at every turn. While Democrats fought for economic policies that benefited middle-class families, Republicans continued to fight for the wealthiest and most fortunate among us while pushing policies that leave the middle class behind, or worse, stick them with the bill.
Does she mean to say that Republicans obstructed Obama’s agenda, just like Democrats, namely Senator Harry Reid (D), obstructed legislation in the Senate for the past four years?
Bills sent over by the House of Representative died on Reid’s desk. The only bills that Reid let through for a vote were bills that favored the president’s agenda.Republicans in the 113th Congress should take a step back and look at what they actually spent their year doing: forcing a government shutdown that cost our economy $24 billion and 120,000 jobs, according to the Council of Economic Advisers; attempting to sue the President at the taxpayers’ expense simply because he was doing his job; voting to block equal pay for women and against a minimum wage increase that would help ensure that Americans working full time do not have to raise their families in poverty.
The GOP has also voted repeatedly, and unsuccessfully—more than 50 times! — to repeal or undermine the Affordable Care Act, even though it is providing quality, affordable health care to millions, the uninsured rate has reached a near historic low, and health care spending is slowing down.
Yep! Republicans railed against the un-American Obamacare because if forced Americans to pay for health insurance, and if they did not, Democrats sent the IRS after them. In 2015, the minimum penalty for not having healthcare coverage is $352. In 2016, it jumps to over $1000 per person.
Oh, and by the way, Americans really hate Obamacare, just look at the polling.
As elected representatives, we must continue to ask ourselves: Are we doing all we can to help the American people? Are we working to move our country forward and are we putting what is best for our constituents above all else? While we know there is so much more work to do, this year, Democrats can confidently answer yes to each of these questions. Our colleagues on the other side of the aisle most certainly cannot.
And then ‘DWS’ falls back on her Democrat 101 “scare” tactics, and regurgitates those nifty little talking points she is famous of using.
Unfortunately, we can expect the GOP to continue to fight against us, to continue to try to roll back progress. Republican leadership has already been clear about what they plan to do next: They will try to restrict women’s access to reproductive health care, attempt to take health care away from millions of Americans with yet another vote to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, and continue to push redundant hearings, lawsuits, threats and other stunts that do nothing to serve the people that elected them.
The American people deserve better.
Americans have always deserved better, that is that is why they voted Democrats out of office in 2014. Expect this trend to continue in 2016, and possibly beyond.