Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch have ceased to exist, but Mark Walberg, who created the hip-hop band, is asking for his 1988 arrest for assault to be pardoned.
This story isn’t political, but it does contain a really funny quote smacking Walberg that needs to be repeated.Look, I thought he was a thug back then, and we could still be a thug, but people deserve second chances, right? Plus, his TV show “The Walburgs” is pretty entertaining.
One of Walberg’s old bodyguards, Leonard Taylor, says that Marky Mark is still a thug, and will never change his ways
“He hasn’t changed his ways, he just has money now where he can cover it up,” Taylor told us this week. “You can take Mark out of the trailer park, but you can’t take the trailer park out of Mark.”
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