Those wacky gals over at Emily’s List are in the “Ho Ho Ho” Christmas spirit, as the “feminazi” wing of the Democrat Party has just sent out a fundraising email titled, “Get your Elizabeth Warren Bumper sticker,” in what I believe is a subtle way to test the waters of support for liberal Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren’s potential run for President in 2016.
Here are the three bumpstickers that supporters can expect to receive, once they fork over some dough.
The first on reads,” I’m running for the U.S. Senate because that’s what girls do.”- Senator Elizabeth Warren
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
This is smoke-and-mirrors for “Let’s get Warren to run for President in 2016.”
The second bumper sticker simply reads, “Women Drive Change.”
Yes, they are tying Warren to President Obama, but they don’t care, because what really matters here is that Warren gets the base to come out and support her potential presidential candidacy.An lastly, there is the “A woman’s place is in the White House” sticker.
Can they be anymore obvious in their not-so-subtle attempt to push Warren.
Yeah, you can argue that they could be trying to set up Hillary Clinton for President by stating that Warren is going to do “what girl’s do,” but I am not buying that pile of poop.
This is a direct appeal to donors and supports about possibly supporting Warren in 2016.
Here is the top of the email they sent out.