Islamic terrorism continuous to spread around the world, this time its in Sydney, Australia, where gunmen have taken hostages inside a Lindt Chocolat Cafe in the heart of the city,
Don’t tell President Obama that his incident is unquestionably linked to Islamic terrorism, after all, according to the President, Islamic terrorism does not exist.Here is the AP accounting of the ongoing incident:
Five people have escaped from a cafe in central Sydney where a gunman had earlier taken several people hostage Monday and forced two people to hold up a black flag bearing an Islamic message written in Arabic in the store’s window.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Television footage shot through the Lindt Chocolat Cafe’s windows showed several people with their arms in the air and hands pressed against the glass, and two people holding up a black flag with the Shahada, or Islamic declaration of faith, written on it. Translated, the statement says, “There is no god but God and Muhammad is his messenger.” It is considered the first of Islam’s five pillars of faith, and is similar to the Lord’s Prayer in Christianity. It is pervasive throughout Islamic culture, including the green flag of Saudi Arabia. Jihadis have used the Shahada in their own black flag.
Australian broadcaster Network Ten reported that the unidentified gunman has forced hostages to call him “The Brother” and demanded a flag of the Islamic State terror group in return for the release of a hostage. He has also demanded to speak directly with Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott.
The broadcaster reported that the gunman had relayed his demands to them through two hostages. The man also claimed that he had planted two bombs inside the cafe and two others elsewhere in Sydney’s central business district.
Should Americans expect to see increased acts of Islamic terrorism like these on U.S.?
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These types of “Lone Wolf” or low budget and crude attacks seem to be growing popularity, and are just as effective of instilling fear.