According to Israeli newspaper Haaretz, senior White House and State Department officials have engaged in talks to discuss possible U.S. sanctions against Israel, in an effort to stop Israel all from continuing housing construction in eastern Jerusalem.
When reporters asked State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf about the possible U.S. sanctions against Israel, Harf’s only comment was that she could not, and would not comment on “internal” discussion within the Obama administration.The possible sanctions against Israel, come as the Obama Administration continues to vigorously oppose any new sanctions against the biggest state sponsor of global Islamic terrorism, Iran.
Could these possible sanctions against Israel be a negotiation tool the administration is using in those ongoing, and failing nuclear talks with Iran?
The Washington Free Beacon reported that a congressional aide stated that if sanctions are imposed on Israel “would mark a new era of unprecedented hostility form the White House against our strongest ally in the Middle East.”take our poll - story continues belowDo you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.The Israel sanctions discussions are said to have begun after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the White House in October and clashed with the administration over the construction of a new housing development in that part of the city.
The administration warned Israel that the project would raise questions about Israel’s commitment to peace with the Palestinians. Netanyahu replied that Israel does not accept restrictions on where Jews can live, and that Arabs and Jews in the Israeli capital should be allowed to purchase homes wherever they choose.-Newsmax
“The president should be forewarned that taking such action against Israel would yield tremendous push back from Congress,” the aide added.-WFB
Florida Congressman Ron DeSantis (R), who sits on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, told the SHARK TANK this past weekend in Tampa, Florida, that such a move by the Obama administration would be the “perfect encapsulation of Obama’s foreign policy,” and the all the President was doing was “genuflecting in front of Iran” because he does not want to impose tougher sanctions of Iran.”
DeSantis, with a heavy dose of sarcasm, added:
And what does he think needs to be done, Sanction Israel? Really? So, you have the one democracy in the region, the only really true ally that we have, and because they are simply building homes in the capital, who is he to tell them where to build their homes?
Image if someone sanctioned because we were building in Washington, D.C.? I mean, it’s their capital.
DeSantis said that within twelve or so hours of the State Department dodging questions on whether the Obama administration was looking to impose sanctions against Israel, he along with fifty-some other members of Congress, had already penned a letter to the President, expressing their disapproval of such a move, and telling him that if he and his administration “go through with it, all hell will break loose” on Capitol Hill.
Remember, Democrat on the Hill, like Florida Congressman Ted Deutch and others, who have been steadfast supporters of Israel, would most likely be forced to side against the administration.
DeSantis then stated what many Americans have grown to believe of President Obama an his “Left Wing ideology.”
He is anti-Israel
I think he is anti-Israel, so he’ll do the platitudes, but his actions are always hostile to Israel. He does not like Netanyahu, and I think that he believes that Israel is the source of problems in the Middle East.-Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL)