The holiday season is upon us, so are more of President Obama’s un-American regulations.
Every years since he has elected as Commandant-In-Chief, Obama has pushed his regulatory agenda days, if not hours before unsuspecting Americans prepare to celebrate a major holiday, like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Memorial Day.According to the Daily Caller, this seems to be Obama’s Motis Operandi to sneak past his socialist agenda past Americans.
The White House’s regulatory agenda for spring 2014 was released on the eve of the Memorial Day weekend, when millions of people set out on weekend getaways or family vacations.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“It’s unfortunate because it’s an update on protections for Americans of all stripes,” Shudtz told the Hill. “It lays out the administration’s plan and it deserves more attention.”
But the White House may have a good reason to do so because its Unified Agenda for fall 2014 includes some 3,415 regulations– more than the last regulatory agenda, and one that includes 189 rules that cost more than $100 million.
One of the most contentious rules is the Environmental Protection Agency rules to limit greenhouse gas emissions from new and existing power plants.According to the agenda, these rules will be finalized in 2015.
That’s right folks, Obama will levy 3,415 regulations that will strangle business and burden you all with trickled-down costs of goods and services.
Remember what they always say about elections, they all have consequences.
So, as Obama Clause would say, Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas and get ready to pay some taxes.”