I thought someone was pulling my leg when they told me that Democrat Representative Luis V. Gutierrez- who lives, breathes and eats immigration- was considering a run for President of the United States in 2016.
Actually, I busted out in laughter at the thought of this over-the-top, pro-amnesty for illegal aliens running against Hillary Clinton as the Democrat Party’s ‘Token Taco’ candidate.Amnesty for illegal immigrants activist, Rev. Emma Lozano, who founded her Centro Sin Fronteras group in Chicago, is currently circulating a Draft Gutierrez petition to try to get Rep. Gutierrez to run for president as an independent.
According to the long-time congressman’s spokesman, Douglas Rivlin, Gutierrez is content with his seat in the House, and won’t be seeking the presidency.
Gutierrez does a good job of inciting his pro-illegal immigration base of support, but the only presidential race he could ever win is if he ran for president of his local Mariachi Teamsters union in Chicago, Illinois.
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— Luis V. Gutierrez (@RepGutierrez) November 18, 2014
Translation: Open the immigration floodgates!