Two members of the U.S. Senate’s “Wacko Bird” squadron, Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, put out a joint statement calling Attorney General Eric Holder’s replacement, U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch, to “denounce” President Obama’s imminent “executive amnesty” for millions of illegal immigrants.
“President Obama’s Attorney General nominee deserves fair and full consideration of the United States Senate, which is precisely why she should not be confirmed in the lame duck session of Congress by senators who just lost their seats and are no longer accountable to the voters,” Cruz and Lee said in a joint statement. “The Attorney General is the President’s chief law enforcement officer. As such, the nominee must demonstrate full and complete commitment to the law. Loretta Lynch deserves the opportunity to demonstrate those qualities, beginning with a statement whether or not she believes the President’s executive amnesty plans are constitutional and legal.”-Breitbart
Here is what Cruz tweeted:
Loretta Lynch should say whether or not she believes Obama’s executive amnesty plans are constitutional & legal:
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— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) November 8, 2014
I wonder if that old crow John McCain will continue to refer these guys as “wacko birds” now that they helped the GOP regain the majority in the Senate?