President Barack Obama could not resist opening his big mouth for Democrats, as he as put out two robo-calls in as many days for embattled Democrat candidates in Florida.
Obama’s first call was recorded for Rep. Joe Garcia, who could lose his seat to Republican Carlos Curbelo, and the second was for the rascally Republican-turned-Independent-turned-Democrat, Charlie Crist.In a last ditch effort to get out the “Black” vote, the ad was placed to those residing in predominantly black neighborhoods.
Rick Scott campaign responded to Obama’s robo-call:take our poll - story continues belowDo you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“This is it, Florida,”…”This is Barack Obama.”
“So if want to raise Florida’s minimum wage, go vote,” the president says. “If you believe that every child deserves a fair shot, and that it’s wrong to cut scholarships and funding for schools, go vote. If you want a governor who will fight for you, not just the wealthy and the powerful, go vote for Charlie Crist.”
“Don’t let anyone or anything keep you from voting.” -President Barack Obama (Miami Herald)
“After months of waiting, President Barack Obama is back on the campaign trail for Charlie Crist,” the statement reads in part.” We already know Barack Obama’s policies are on the ballot in this election because he told us that himself. But, his new ad for Charlie Crist today means Charlie Crist wants you to know that too.”
Look for a potentially big GOP tidal wave of wins on election night.