Yo! Yo! Yo! Who says black on white or black on Asian racism isn’t alive and well in America?
A bus tour guide in the liberal Mecca known as San Francisco, California, recently went on a racist rant against the Chinese people and the Chinatown district of that city.In a 2:30 minute video that was shot by one of the tourist along for the ride, the guide, who just so happens to be a black woman, is seen wielding what appears to be a bottle of booze while sharing her hate for Chinatown and its residents.
When you come to America, you got to assimilate a little bit. And here in America, we don’t eat turtles and frogs. You got to assimilate a little bit, Chinatown-Racist Bus Tour guide
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Maybe she had been stuck in some fast food line for far too long, and failed tor realize that there are many Americans living in the United States who enjoy eating a healthy serving of frog legs.
F*ck your laundry hanging out your windows
Well, maybe she comes from privilege, but I bet you if she were to take a stroll through some of the poorer black neighborhoods in Harlem, New York, or in other major urban cities across the U.S., she will surely find black households using laundry lines to dry their clothes.I’ve been saying for a long time. A good chunk of the black community is hypocritically racist against other races, but especially against themselves.
We have all heard the likes of Al Sharpton and other race-baiters referring to those fellow black Americans, who do not conform with their racist beliefs, as being “Uncle Toms”.
“F**k Chinatown. F**k your little herb gardens. F**k your little seafood f**king markets and your turtles and your frogs. F**k your f**king ginseng. F**k your little hair salons where no one in there knows how to speak English!”
Watch the video