Even as the staunchly liberal Democrat Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz tries to sugar-coat her support for former Republican-turned-Independent-turned-Democrat, Charlie Crist, her past dislike and opposition to Crist is deafening.
Look, I get it. Wasserman Schultz’s really dislikes Rick Scott, and has to support her party’s gubernatorial nominee, Charlie Crist.‘DWS’ recently tweeted this out in support of Crist:
Love all these early voting stories! Going to join them by voting early for @CharlieCrist this weekend. http://t.co/Pq0urbeoqz#IWillVote
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But things weren’t all so lovey-dovey between the two Democrats.
Back in 2010 U.S. Senate race, when Crist was a Republican, and after he became a Independent, Wasserman Schultz railed against his political flip-flops and endorsed her colleague in the U.S. Congress, Kendrick Meek over Crist.
I have enjoyed every one of those years working with you side by side…He is a true leader in the tradition and Spirit that we in Florida need so badly… Kendrick has demonstrated his statewide leadership time and time again.”-Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D) (Sun Sentinel)
But what else has Wasserman Schultz said about Crist?
We all know how far to the left ‘DWS’ is when it comes to women’s rights, anti-gun, and big government taxation, right?“When Charlie Crist became governor — look, I didn’t agree with him on everything, but I will tell you that I thought some of the things that he did were against his own party’s interests and that angered his own party.”
So what are those things ‘DWS’ agrees with Crist on?
Remember, Crist was against the Democrat agenda before he was for it.
I am pro-life, I am pro-gun, and I am pro-family, and I am anti-tax and I always have been, and I think that’s abundantly clear, that’s what people want, someone who will just tell them the truth.-Charlie Crist in 2010