Not only is Charlie Crist’s gubernatorial campaign blaring Motley Crue’s “Girls!, Girls!, Girls!” national stripper anthem, but it seem to be “Ladies’ Night” over at Club Crist.
We told you about how Crist received $40,000 from the owners of the popular ‘Scarlett’s’ strip club in Hallandale, well, now it has come to light that Charlie as received another ‘glittered and cigarette-smelling’ $50,000 donation from Joe Rodriguez, the owner of one of Scarlett’s “leggy” competitors, the Cheetah’s strip club, which is situated just a few blocks down the road.The gentlemen’s shady past of alleged drug dealing and illegal prostitution doesn’t seem to bother Crist, after all, he was against lap-dances before he was for them.
Florida Republicans are seizing on Crist’s “2 for 1” dance special to rail against him for not returning the $90,000 they say was raised “exploiting women and promoting illegal activity”.
In case anyone was wondering. As we mentioned in a previous story, the average lap dance will cost you $20. So, it you divide $90,000 by $20, the total number of lap dances Crist has benefitted from is 4500.take our poll - story continues belowDo you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“You would think a millionaire would not have to take cash from strip club owners to fund his own campaign. I called on Charlie to return $40,000 in strip club cash and we now find out he has taken even more – $50,000 – this time from a strip club owner with links to prostitution and drugs. Charlie Crist ignoring the call to do the right thing and return $90,000 in strip club cash is insulting to women.”-RPOF Chairwoman Leslie Dougher
10/7/2014 Joe Rodriguez 5527 Woodland Lane Ft. Lauderdale FL 33312-6249 Real Estate $50,000.00
Holy cow!
You can also look at this this way, entrance fees at strip clubs usually cost about $10 per person. Again,If you did some simple math with these numbers, it could mean that Charlie received “in-kind” donations from 9,000 men and women from around south Florida.
For the record, I only know about these strip club details from “sources” that work, or have worked in these fine gentlemen’s establishments.