After the “bizarre” gubernatorial debate between Governor Rick Scott and Democrat Charlie Crist, in which Crist’s electronic fan stole show, politicos took to the spin room to make the case for their respective candidates. Read more about the fan here.
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who shunned me as I tried to greet he, spun for Crist, while Senator Marco Rubio backed Rick Scott’s performance, and offered up some of his thoughts about who Charlie Crist is to him.Here is Rubio’s smackdown of Crist:
I ran against this guy four years ago. This is a different person. When I ran against him four years ago, this was a rabid conservative republican or so he claimed, and he changed his position on every major issue the state confronts.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Charlie Crist is not a theory, he was the governor of the state of Florida, he was a reality. I was the Speaker of the House for the first two years of that governorship. It was an unmitigated disaster for the people of the state of Florida.
He claimed that the hard times that Floridians were having four years ago was because of a global economic downturn. Well, if you are in the middle of a global economic downturn, why would you abandon your state? Why would you decide,” we are in middle of a downturn, so I am going to leave Florida and run for the US Senate because it would be nicer to live in Washington. He has to answer that question.
When I saw him standing on that stage, I thought to myself, “Maybe Charlie Crist can debate himself?” We can have Charlie Crist of 2006, or Charlie Crist from 2010 before he became an Independent, debate Charlie Crist of 2014.