Charlie Crist himself has said that he need to focus on Broward County, if he is to win this year’s gubernatorial election. Crist needs a big election night turnout in Broward.
Democrats are mobilized in the Democrat-heavy county, and do not feel the doom-and-gloom that they felt in 2010, when they (as usual) failed to turn out the vote for Alex Sink and went on to lose to Rick Scott by 1 percent.“…leading to low turnout, defeat and finger-pointing among feuding party factions. Broward is a midterm mirage for Democrats as a mountain of votes seems to vanish by Election Day.” –TB Times
This summary of Broward Democrats is true, especially amongst its leadership. Broward Democrat Chairman Mitch Caesar is not very fond of Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and from what some Democrat activists have told me, the feeling is mutual.
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Caesar and other Democrats believe Wasserman Schultz demands to be the focus of every political event, and that these political events she is slated to attend cannot begin until she arrives.
In other words, “it’s all about Debbie”.
Crist has been laser-focused on getting out the black vote-which happens to lag in non-presidential elections-by visiting numerous black congregations around the state.If Democrats manage to turnout the vote in Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach counties, and surpass their respective 2010 vote totals, then they might have a very good chance of beating Rick Scott and his mega-dollar campaign machine.
But even as the polls have Crist and Scott neck-and-neck, turnout could be a problem for Democrats as many of the blue-blood Democrats may sit this election out because they feel that Crist is just a political flip-flopping opportunist who just wants a job.
Rick Scott still has the advantage, but that could change.