Whether or not you like her or hate her, you have to respect her.
Congresswoman and DNC boss Debbie Wasserman Schultz is thumbing her nose at her detractors, defiantly staying on board as chairman of her party, at least until January 21, 2017.Amid the rumors that President Obama is planning on fire Wasserman Schultz after the this year’s mid-term elections, as well as the calls by many Democrats and those TV smarty-pants for her to step down, Wasserman Schultz says she is staying put.
Wasserman Schultz recently told the Florida Sun-Sentinel newspaper that she isn’t going anywhere, anytime soon.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“I was elected to a four-year term, and I will serve as DNC chair till Jan. 21, 2017.”-DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Sources close to ‘DWS’ and within Democrat Party circles have told the Shark Tank that her head has been on the political chopping block as far back as 2012.
To her credit, Wasserman Schultz showed President Obama and her enemies how capable and valuable a leader she is for the Democrat Party when she helping reelect her boss in 2012.Obama’s 2012 win over Romney saved Wasserman Schultz’s job, but now that Democrats stand to lose big in 2014, there could be other option for Democrats but to pin their failings on the one person who was been able galvanize their liberal base.
Here is what we recently wrote about ‘DWS’ possibly losing her job over at the DNC:
Back in April 2012, Shark Tank first reported on this rift between President Obama and Wasserman Schultz after a close source to Wasserman Schultz- someone familiar to her relationship with the president-spilled the beans about the tension between the two.
The source told the Shark Tank that, “she (Wasserman Schultz) was not the first choice,” and that Wasserman Schultz feverishly lobbied her case of being a sitting ‘Jewish’congresswoman in a very safe Democratic district. According to the source, Obama was pressured into picking Wasserman Schultz because she impressed upon him that he needed her as a loyal foot soldier to run cover him and shore up his dwindling support with the Jewish voters as well as with women.
But while Obama has been able to rely on Wasserman Schultz to carry his water, the President has grown increasingly annoyed with the polarizing manner in which she attacks her political opposition-a style that has galvanized her Republican opponents and chased many of those coveted ‘Independents’ away.Obama, who told Wasserman Schultz,” it’s not about you , its about me,” had to have “discussions” with the DNC Chairwoman about her leadership approach, and at one point , Obama felt the need to remind who she worked for.
“Don’t forget you work for me.”-President Barack ObamaThe National Journal then followed the Shark Tank’s lead in June 2012 with a story pointing out Wasserman Schultz’s rock road to the helm of the DNC.
When Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida was tapped last year to lead the Democratic National Committee, it seemed like the latest ascension for a fast-rising star destined for even higher positions. Some stumbles and an apparent falling out of favor with the White House had changed that calculus. Now it looks like it could be changing again.Because public opinion polls showed that Republicans were in position to possibly put a big hurt on the White House’s chances of reelection, as well as winning more seats in the House of Representatives, Wasserman Schultz’s head was on the political chopping block.
Wasserman Schultz retained her job at the DNC after proving she could raise money for the party, not to mention the abiliity to galvanize the Democrat