Everyone from her father Larry, mother, and her husband Steve, took part in a last minute, end of September birthday email fundraising ask from Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s donor base.
She’s a member of Congress and a prominent national leader — but she’ll always be my little girl.-Larry, Debbie’s Dad
This past September 27th, Debbie turned forty-something, so in true Democrat form, the congresswoman from South Florida had to naturally take advantage of her big day and try to raise as much dinero from her people as possible.
We’ve already got the actual icing on the cake covered. We need your help to take care of the metaphorical icing — $27,000 to mark Debbie’s birthday, September 27.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.My little girl’s all grown up, and she’s always made me proud. The integrity with which she lives her life is an inspiration, and her commitment to her family and the families of South Florida is second-to-none.-Larry, Debbie’s pops again
This practice of exploiting one’s birthday for political reasons is nothing new in politics. I remember then-Senate candidate Marco Rubio’s wife asking donors to match Rubio’s age with a donation.
Yes, it sounds shady, but in reality, its just politics.Happy belated B-day Debbie.