The mother and sister of Jah’Keem Yisrael, or Alton Nolen, the fired employee who beheading his femail coworker in Moore, Oklahoma last week, “have released a video via Facebook Sunday responding to the charges against him.”
“I know what they’re saying that he done. But I’m going tell you this. That’s not my son.”
Ben Shapiro at Truth Report sized up the the video:
In the video, the women express their regret and sympathy for the victims, their belief that Nolen was raised properly and with respect for God and man, and suggest that “there’s two sides to every story” and that, so far only one side is being heard, presumably that of the police and the woman who was beheaded. Nolen’s sister adds that he was always a “people person.”
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They also offer their prayers, and ask for prayers on their behalf.
You want to believe this guys family, but It is hard to get past that fact that Yisrael had publicly posted anti-American propaganda and even chanted an Islamic phrases while carrying out the attack.