Congressman Alan Grayson is touting a Hollywood endorsement from actress Frances Fisher (Who?), but in doing so, the “Congressman with Guts” comes across as sounding like a fluffed up TV trailer commercial for the actresses past and current credits.
Grayson kindly promotes Fisher’s ABC TV show “Ressurrection” in his latest email to supporters.The final quarterly deadline for the 2014 Grayson for Congress reelection campaign is approaching rapidly. We asked famed actress Frances Fisher to explain why she supports Alan Grayson, and why you should, too. Frances played one of the central characters in “Titanic,” the second-highest grossing film of all time, and she stars today in the ABC TV drama hit “Resurrection,” the 11th most-watched show on TV. (The second season of “Resurrection” premieres tonight, at 9 pm.) You can see Frances’s moving video here. This is what she said:
Hi, I’m Frances Fisher, and I’m here to talk to you about Alan Grayson. He needs to be reelected for Congress, because we need him in Congress.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.He’s got one of the most unique voices for peace that I’ve ever heard. And it would be a tragedy if he weren’t reelected. That’s why I’m doing everything that I can [to reelect Alan Grayson]. That’s why I’m speaking to you, right now.
Grayson faces Republican Carol Platt on November 4th. Let’s see if this Hollywood starpower helps him get reelected to the U.S. Congress.