By Shark Tank Investigative Reporter, Special K
Earlier last week, Shark Tank Managing Editor, Javier Manjarres appeared on America’s Forum on NewsMaxTV. Providing commentary contrary to’s talking head, Manjarres laid out his reasoning for 2014 Democrats abandoning of President Obama.President Obama’s policies are hurting Democrats chances in 2014 and many have been fleeing for cover. Across the nation, Democrat after Democrat have stated their opposition to the President’s policies, specifically his foreign and economic policies as of late. Manjarres explains:
President Obama’s actions and inactions in the Middle East and with his failed foreign policy are going to hurt Democrats on the ticket this election.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Democrats across the nation are separating themselves from Obama, like Senator Dick Durban, and Kay Hagen as well as challengers like Allison Grimes in Kentucky know, that if they attach themselves to the failed policies of Obama – they will lose this November.
What do you think? Will Republicans take back the Senate and keep the House? Are Democrats running for the hills? Let us know and get a conversation started in the comments below!