The latest Quinnipiac University poll has Florida Governor Rick Scott (R) and Charlie Crist (D) in virtual tie with spoiler candidate Adrian Wyllie a distant third and just syfoning off votes from both candidates.
The poll has Scott up by the slim margin of 44 to 42 percent, and Wyllie lagging with a mere 8 percent support.Quinnipiac’s survey shows the relentlessly negative tone of the campaign is having an effect on the mood of voters as fewer than four out of 10 voters say Scott or Crist is honest and trustworthy. However, Scott outpaces Crist on leadership qualities by 58 percent to 46 percent, and Scott performs better among independent voters than Crist, 44 percent to 37 percent.
Both candidates’ favorability ratings are poor and nearly identical, with likely voters giving Scott an unfavorable rating by 48 percent to 42 percent, and to Crist by 49 percent to 41 percent. Among a smaller sample of independent voters only, 55 percent said Crist is not honest and trustworthy and 51 percent said Scott is not.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Crist has virtually no advantage among women voters, with 43 percent to Scott’s 41 percent. Men prefer Scott by 48 percent to 40 percent. Crist does slightly better on the empathy index. When the question was whether a candidate “cares about the needs and problems of people like you,” 46 percent said Crist did and 42 percent said Scott did.-TB Times
I have been telling you this for some time now. The winner of this race will be the candidate who has the lower unfavorable numbers.
Just wait until the real big money starts to fly in this race. Talk about an ugly race getting uglier.