Leave it to a bunch of Israeli party Queens to exploit the recent ISIS beheadings, by displaying pictures that eerily resemble the terror groups propaganda videos, simply to promote one of their little gay romps.
One of the posters – which was put up on Drek’s Facebook page – shows a bare-chested man draped in a black sarong standing over a man wearing an orange top (see picture above)Amiri Kalman, one of Drek’s founders, told Ynetnews that the posters are “satire” and they “are trying to react to current events.”
“We have been doing it for a number of years,” he said. “But we reject violence in any form and that includes the [execution] videos intended to scare the world.”-Fox
Are these idiots so desperate for attention, that they would stoop to having to self-promote their cause or agenda with these insensitive images?
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
These fools should be caned or whipped for their stupidity. But wait, they may actually enjoy that.