Democrat gubernatorial nominee Charlie Crist has unveiled his much anticipated jobs-creation proposals that will surely rival those of Governor Rick Scott’s.
Pssh.According to the Tampa Tribune, Crist’s jobs proposals ” did not include a lot of specifics,” nor did it ” include exact figures on how much it would cost.”
Now did any of you think Crist would offer up actual specifics with his plan?
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Apparently Crist takes issue with Scott offering out-of-state businesses incentives, or money to relocate to Florida, adding that “Florida should focus on assisting businesses already in the state.”
Unfortunately for Crist, Scott has been doing both assisting Florida businesses, and corralling outside companies to bring their business to the Sunshine State since day numero uno.
Crist does call for an increase in spending to promote the vital tourism industry, as well as doing more for the “space industry.”I’m not sure what Florida could do for a space industry, or Muslim outreach progam, that was shelved by his amigo and fellow hugster, President Barack Obama.
Wait, let me take that back. After realizing that Muslims were disinterested in his NASA outreach program, El Presidente has authorized the private sector to start shuttling American astronauts to the International Space Station, and stop hitching rides on Russia’s Soyuz spaceship.