President Obama and his administration are once again talking tough about how they will combat the terror group ISIS, or ISL.
An administration official has said that the U.S. would strike back at Syria, specifically their “air defenses and command and control centers,” if the Syrian military targeted U.S. warplanes flying sorties against ISL.
Obama’s strategy of “no shock and ugh” is far different from President George W Bush’s “Shock and Awe” campaign in Iraq, which showed unprecedented and overwhelming force by the U.S. military against Iraqi forces in 2003.
White House front man Josh Earnest is talking about “rules of engagement that are related to any military orders the president directs,” if the Syrian army decides to target U.S. military assets.
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Unfortunately for our military, we are all familiar with Obama’s weak and indecisive “rules of engagement” that he has implemented since he took command of the U.S. military.
If Obama’s “make sure you get shot first before shooting at the enemy” rules of engagement continue to be carried out, expect the U.S. to start seeing military personnel injured and killed in action.