As many of you might already know, Senator Ted Cruz was booed off stage on Wednesday night during a Middle Eastern Christian’s event in Washington, DC. I found it quite ironic seeing that it was hosted by the non-profit group In Defense of Christians but hatred comes in all shapes, sizes and apparently religions.
The following is what Senator Cruz had to say about the matter on Wednesday night:This is not the first time Senator Cruz has stood up for religious beliefs. As we reported back in April Senator Cruz stated the “United States of America was created on Judeo-Christian beliefs” while he was discussing matters involving Hobby Lobby.Tonight in Washington should have been a night of unity as we came together for the inaugural event for a group that calls itself ‘In Defense of Christians.’ Instead, it unfortunately deteriorated into a shameful display of bigotry and hatred…
I told the attendees that those who hate Israel also hate America, that those who hate Jews also hate Christians, and that anyone who hates Israel and the Jewish people is not following the teachings of Christ.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.These statements were met with angry boos. I went on to tell the crowd that Christians in the Middle East have no better friend than Israel. That Christians can practice their faith free of persecution in Israel. And that ISIS, al Qaeda, Hamas, and Hezbollah, along with their state sponsors in Syria and Iran, are all part of the same cancer, murdering Christians and Jews alike. Hate is hate, and murder is murder…
After just a few minutes, I had no choice. I told them that if you will not stand with Israel, if you will not stand with the Jews, then I will not stand with you. And then I walked off the stage.
For some his unwavering defense of religion is a positive change in Washington.