The CIA’s newly release findings about the strength of the terror group ISIS is both astonishing and disturbing.
According to the spy agency’s report release the day after President Obama gave his “weak and defeatist” speech on how he was going to deal with the terrorist group, the CIA finds that ISIS has grown its ranks between 20,000 and 31,500 jihadists across Syria and Iraq.
The spokesperson said the new figures were determined after a review of “all-source intelligence reports” on the group from May to August.
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It is obvious that President Obama has dropped the ball in the “war of terror.”
Senator Marco Rubio appeared on Fox News to echo that very same sentiment, saying that the reason Obama’s foreign policy had failure was because the “Obama-Clinton foreign policy is built on neo- isolationism, on the belief that American engagement is what is causing all of these problems.”Besides pointed out that President Obama failed to say in his ISL speech that he would do whatever it took to destroy ISL, Rubio noted that ISIS or ISL, already had advanced weaponry and was “generating a million dollars a day in oil revenue from refineries” that they had seized in that region.