By Shark Tank Investigative Reporter, Special K
Shark-Tank Managing Editor, Javier Manjarres has become something of a staple on America’s Forum on NewsMaxTV offering his perspective on a wide range of issues.On Friday, Manjarres discussed President Obama’s foreign policy, and particularly his near constant circumvention of the US Congress on matters of both Homeland Security and Foreign Policy.
“ISIS is where it is because of President Obama’s inaction and ineffective and reckless foreign policy” said Manjarres. While Obama spins and trips over his inability to act, two Americans have died at the hands of ISIS, and there are currently 11 jetliners that are unaccounted for. Some analysts fear that those jets could be used to carry out terror attacks as early as September 11, 2014. Manjarres said, “Obama is the Commander in Chief, he needs to start acting like one.”
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