Florida’s favorite ear wax-eating Democrat Congressman, Joe Garcia, is once again feeling the pressure from his Republican rival Carlos Curbelo, who is pouncing on the news that federal prosecutors have ramped up their criminal investigation of Garcia’s for amigo and chief of staff, Jeffrey Garcia, as well as a few others from is last congressional campaign.
Prosecutors and a grand jury have issued at least four subpoenas in the case — two this year — and at least one witness has testified that Jeffrey Garcia was behind the alleged scheme to secretly prop up the shadow candidate, a former friend and business partner named Roly Arrojo.Jeffrey Garcia, who is no relation to the Miami Democratic congressman, has long denied wrongdoing but declined to comment Wednesday through his attorney. Arrojo, too, had denied wrongdoing and couldn’t be reached for comment.
“Congressman Garcia has done nothing wrong. We’ve never been told that he’s the target of any investigation,” David O. Markus, a criminal defense attorney hired by Garcia’s campaign, said in a written statement. “This is old news.”
Not to prosecutors, who this week sat down with the congressman’s former spokesman, Giancarlo Sopo, the Miami Herald has learned.take our poll - story continues belowDo you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Sopo, who is considered a witness, declined to comment, although a source close to the investigation indicated that he explained his role in the unsuccessful 2010 campaign — as well as the conversations he had with Jeffrey Garcia in 2012 about Arrojo, who failed to report thousands of dollars in campaign expenses, including mailers.-Miami Herald
As expected, Curbelo is seizing this opportunity to put a smack down on Garcia. During the Rick Scott bus tour stop at La Carretta restaurant in Miami, Curbelo told the crowd of about 200, what he really thought of Joe Garcia.
In this election, we have the opportunity to once and for all, say enough is enough to the elections fraud, to the absentee ballot schemes, to the straw candidates that Joe Garcia has perpetrated on this community.-Carlos Curbelo
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