The award for the ‘Biggest and most ignorant fool in politics,” goes to Alabama Democrat congressional candidate Jessie T Smith.
Smith has tweeted that Republicans in the U.S. Congress are worse than the beheading-happy ISIS, or ISIL terror group.I can only say that this moron is just looking for a some free earned media to boost his fledgling congressional campaign. While it is a strongly held belief that “all media is good media,” this kind of stupidity will only bring on negative press, and hurt more than it will help.
Just ask Todd Akin about what his little rape comment did to his Senate campaign in 2012.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.The greatest country on earth is being bullied from within. Actions of Republicans in congress are worse than #ISIL.
— JT Smith (@jt4congress2014) September 2, 2014